Monday, April 25, 2011

Influenced By...

 Bohnchang Koo and Grace Weston are probably the two most influential photographers I know of. Koo's works are abstracted in a sense where the viewer can't even tell what the photo is of. The first image I posted is called "Portrait of Time" which I thought was interesting because time is something you can't really see. Grace Weston and her staged photographs pretty interesting and funny and lets the viewer enter a world she created.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Still Life

Still lifes to me are a play with light and shadow and seeing how they work together. When I did this assignment, having a good light was very important to me. In these 3 images, I used sunlight as my source and started to play with how the shadows became blocks of objects itself. As I brought these images to light room, I realized how powerful sunlight can be and the images I took were very white. I edit them and changed the white balance and for some reason, they all had a blu-ish tint that I really liked.

Abstract Architecture Prints

Monday, February 7, 2011

Abstract Space

For this assignment, we were told to find abstract-ness in the space around us. We focused more on buildings however, I did saw other things that would make great abstract space like tree branches and water waves. I saw the buildings as shapes and blocks and if I were to take a picture of just a piece of it, it wouldn't make sense what it could be, thus the abstractness. I think this assignment focused more on seeing what isn't there. For example, we know that the building is a building yet we have to make it look abstract. So we have to take some part of it that wouldn't make sense if seen alone however, if we knew which building it was from or have seen it, then we immediately recognize it.

ISO (exposure)

Still Life

Rubens, Head of Medusa

John Scott Hall

Kenro Izu

Rubens is by far one of my favorite artists of the baroque period and Medusa is my favorite mythical creature. Ruben painted her head being cut off by David (I think) and for some reason, it looks like a still life to me because of how the snakes are moving in their last moments of life. This also depicts Medusa's last moment of life, her eyes wide open as if death was unexpected. The second still life I chose by John Hall reminded me of a picture I was see in a perfect home catalog. I like how he adds the painting of a still life in the dead center as it suggesting it is the focal point. The colors are amazing and mirror the painting in  a way. The last still life I chose by Kenro Izu seemed familiar in a way I can't seem to remember besides knowing that I like it. The curves on the stem of the flower seem to mimic the curves of a human body or the strand of a DNA. I thought it was interesting that it's taken in grey scale because if it was in color, it wouldn't have the same effect.

Day in the life- Journey